Hi everyone, I am currently 15.5 weeks. When do you feel the baby's movements in the first pregnancy? Can you share your experience with me? Thank you. 😊
When do you feel the baby's movements... - Fertility Network...
When do you feel the baby's movements in the first pregnancy?

with my son it was around 16 weeks. This time around much later until I could 100% say it was baby movements. Perhaps 20-21 weeks but I have an anterior placenta this time.
My placenta was at the back (posterior) so I felt everything from about 15 weeks, it felt like bubbles sort of trapped wind to start with then by 20 weeks was gentle kicks that got more pronounced and aggressive as pregnancy progressed. Don't panic if you don't feel anything yet the early movements are easily missed and if your placenta is at the front (anterior) you may not feel anything till much later in pregnancy and then the movements will be much gentler as the placenta is in the way. (Nothing medically wrong with placenta being at the front or back). X
Thanks for sharing. I also feel some "bubbles sort of trapped wind" (you exactly describe what I feel) starting from week 15 and I thought it was intestine movements not very noticeable to be honest. My sister in law told me she started to feel movements on week 18-19 in first pregnancy. I haven't reached week 16, still earlier, it may take a while for me to feel a stronger movement, I can't wait for it. XX
I felt "bubbles" at around 18 weeks - it wasn't until 20 weeks that they became more recognisable as movement xx
for my first baby it was 28 weeks where I felt sudden movements and I had a anterior placenta.
I didn't feel anything until about 19-20 weeks when I got some weird feelings like someone was plucking a guitar string in my tummy! 😆 That pretty quickly became big kicks! Never got the nice subtle bubbles! x

Thanks for sharing. Same as my sister in law, she told me she didn't notice it until 18 or 19 weeks. The feeling must be amazing. Can't wait for it😘
I felt the real move in 19w. I was like you analysing the bubble trapped wind but it was too similar to indigestion, which we all have. My midwife told me from 20w onward with first pregnancy so don’t worry. Like StarsAllAround said it depends on the position of your placenta, which they just told me on my 20w scan that mine was at the back. I watched a lot of YouTube video to see recording of the first baby move and it gives me clearer idea. The real “kick” wasn’t like a kick, it was more like fish under the water just came up for a gasp of air. That’s how I describe it 😆
It was at 16 weeks from me. Felt like trapped gas but became more distinct with time and it's proper kicks and swirls now
as everyone has said, different for everyone. I felt first bubbles at 15 weeks but I’m 19 wks now and they’re becoming much more noticeable and starting to be more regular. The “bubbles” you’re feeling sound like the first movements to me, totally amazing isn’t it?!?!
I’m 22 weeks this weekend and around 19 weeks felt bubbles every now and again but couldn’t be sure. This last week there are very clear movements more like kicks that are becoming more regular. Makes it even more real!
hello I have an anterior placenta and it was more 24-25 weeks i felt the little one. I could see it wiggling about on the 28 week scan but not feel it xxx
I was nearly 26 wks. I had an anterior placenta and likely I was feeling earlier, just wasn't in-tune to it. Nurses laughed at me 🤷♀️
3rd pregnancy (anterior placenta) started feeling around weeks 13/14.